Wait a minute....No house calls, OK?

Dr. GUI is delighted you're sending him mail, but please remember: Dr. GUI doesn't make house calls.

Due to his many other duties, Dr. GUI cannot provide an individual answer to your question. Instead, Dr. GUI will select the most interesting and/or important questions to run in the Ask Dr. GUI column. You can read the latest column here on the Web, or, later, in the print version of Microsoft Developer Network News or on the Development Library CD-ROM.

If your question is selected for a column, Dr. GUI will thank you by sending you a neato-keen-'way-cool T-shirt.

OK, now click here on the 8-ball and fire off that stumper:
email to Dr. GUI

Can't wait for the doc?

If you need an immediate answer, please contact Microsoft product support. To find out how to contact product support anywhere in the world, check out Microsoft Support Online, use the Development Library to do a title-only query for the string "Microsoft Support" (using the quotes), or check out the Technical Support item on the Help menu of a recent Microsoft developer product.

There are also support forums for many Microsoft products on the Microsoft Network, CompuServe, and in USENET newsgroups. If you have questions about MSDN offerings or about your subscription, email msdn@microsoft.com.

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